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Baseball Radar Guns for Sale

If you were to pick the most quintessential piece of equipment for baseball, a radar gun is up there with the bat, ball, and glove itself. Whether it be in the major leagues or your local little league practice, radar guns are a must.

The most common use for a baseball radar gun is to measure pitch speed, and the same technology is used to measure every pitch an MLB pitcher throws. But a radar gun can be used for much more in baseball and softball and other sports.

Radar guns for baseball are of course perfect to measure pitch speed and aid pitchers during practice. But they can also be used to get the best out of hitters and motivate batters to swing for the fences or hit bullet line drives.

While you might associate a baseball radar gun with a bulky piece of equipment, technology has rapidly advanced and baseball and softball coaches can now rely on small handheld equipment that is easy to use and unobtrusive for athletes.

Below we discuss some of the most important features and functions and make some recommendations for the best radar guns.

Radar Guns for Baseball SR3600 Sports Radar Speed Gun

Recommended Product: SR3600 Sports Radar Speed Gun

Best Baseball Radar Guns

A radar gun can be a powerful tool to motivate athletes and get the most out of their practice time on the field. Hitters, pitchers, fielders, and catchers can all benefit from measuring their hitting, pitching, and throwing speeds.

With a high-quality radar gun, a coach should be able to accurately measure hitting or throwing speeds without bothering a player. 

Therefore, you should be looking for a baseball radar gun that can measure a ball from a long distance with a high level of accuracy. 

The Pocket Radar Ball Coach fulfills these requirements weighing in at only 4 ounces, enough memory to recall 25 speed measurements, and plenty of battery life. Critically, it also measures from up to 120 feet away and has a high level of accuracy, within 1 mph.

The pocket radar is so small that it does not have the traditional “gun” aesthetic, giving coaches the ability to stow it away in their pocket.

If you are looking for that traditional aesthetic, the Sports Radar SRA3000 Tracer Radar Gun along with others provide the same functionality with a bulkier weight.

If you have any questions about radar guns for baseball, give us a call at (888) 466-0009 to speak to an expert.